Dec. 8: Post-PAX Debrief

Humblewood sequels, Critical Role cover reveals, Outgunned goes Free League and much more at the 2024 board game convention in Philadelphia

Welcome to the Dec. 8 post-PAX Unplugged issue! I’m still slowly recovering from running around a conference with like 40 pounds in games wrapped in my forearms, so bear with me. But we had quite a bit of interesting news come out of the event.

I also have a lot of interesting folks I got to talk to, and I hope we can reveal them all to you in time in upcoming interviews. But for now, here’s the big news I got to catch up on!

PAX Unplugged News Roundup

Outgunned, a John Wick-esque action movie-focused TTRPG is now being published by Free League Publishing. Honestly I’m a big fan of Outgunned and its upcoming 1920s pulp expansion Outgunned Adventure, so seeing it get support from Free League is something I’m a big fan of.

Evil Genius Games, best known for adapting iconic action movies into 5e-friendly campaigns and settings, is releasing their take on Return of the Living Dead here soon. If you prefer 5e-powered systems for playing modern games, this could be a nice addition for you.

Alchemy, the theatre-of-the-mind VTT, told me that Call of Cthulhu is the next big game to get added to their platform in the next few weeks. They didn’t say which volumes, but they appear to have the Investigator’s Handbook on there based on my own experience with the platform.

Daggerheart, Critical Role’s upcoming fantasy TTRPG, revealed its new cover art! It’s pretty snazzy if you ask me.

Darrington Press

Hit Point Press’ Humblewood: Beyond the Canopy was also revealed at PAX Unplugged as the sequel to the rather popular animal fantasy TTRPG.. The game is a standalone sequel to the animal fantasy-themed setting and will explore a whole new continent with what appear to be strong tropical vibes. The game will launch in Kickstarter next year.

Braille Dice. Yes., you heard what I said. Dice designed for the blind were unveiled by the DOTS RPG Project at PAX Unplugged. Honestly, I’m shocked this wasn’t a thing before. I’m told it was only available here at the con so far, but I expect it to come online at some point.

It was an absolute delight and I’m glad I got to come out to Philly. It was also a personal chance to have dinner with a friend who I’ve only talked to online, so I’m super glad. I’m sure I didn’t talk to all the creators or vendors but I’m glad to have chatted with who I did.

Now for me to take a breather. No mid-week feature this week, but expect our roundup at the end, as well as some fun interviews I’m wrapping up.

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